Andrew Keeping
ARAM (Hons.) FISM LRAM Prof. Cert (Hons.) RAM
Andrew’s reputation as one of the country’s most notable guitarists, teachers and pioneers of the instrument has led him to all corners of the planet, working with some of the finest musicians, composers, musicologists, and institutions. He is a much sought-after performer, producer, speaker, and lecturer and is a regular favourite of the British Royal Family.
Keeping's work extends beyond the stage, as he actively engages with policymakers, industry leaders, and organisations to advocate for greater accessibility. Andrew has become an instrumental figure in reshaping the narrative surrounding disabilities in music. One of Keeping's notable contributions has been the establishment of platforms and initiatives that amplify the voices of disabled artists, fostering a supportive community that celebrates their unique abilities. He has organised inclusive music festivals, talent showcases, and workshops that offer a platform for artistic expression and challenge preconceived notions and stereotypes, inviting audiences to appreciate the wealth of talent beyond conventional boundaries.
With an intricate understanding of neurodiversity born out of two decades of fostering children with learning disabilities, emotional, behavioural, and communication difficulties, and a firm belief in the boundless capacity for transformation, Keeping has worked closely with an array of therapists in merging music and neurodiversity. His work has helped transform the landscape of therapeutic interventions and educational approaches in paving the way for individuals with neurodivergent profiles to achieve new levels of cognitive functioning, social interaction, and personal growth.
In 2018 Andrew helped set up the Charity FASD Awareness. FASD Awareness was established to support the prevention of alcohol-exposed pregnancies and improve the quality of life of those living with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD's). After 4 years as Chairman of the Board of Trustees to FASD Awareness, he stood down to take on the role of Chief Executive of the Charity in 2021. Andrew sits on the FASD All Party Parliamentary Group, chaired meetings on FASD in the Criminal Justice System & the FASD UK Alliance and sat on the roundtable talks leading to the “Time is Now” document - The National Perspective, Ramping up FASD Prevention, Diagnosis & Support Services. Andrew & Tracy regularly present & offer training to many professional sectors. Andrew also hosts the popular Webinar series interviewing many of the leading lights in the FASD world and giving a vital voice and platform for those with lived experience of FASD.
“With an unwavering belief in the power of education, he spearheaded the creation of the #BeAware campaign, which utilizes educational films and case studies to shed light on the science behind FASD and its real-life impact. Keeping aims to foster empathy, understanding, and support for individuals living with FASDs through this campaign.
Andrew Keeping’s impact on FASD and disability advocacy extends beyond awareness campaigns. His relentless dedication to improving the quality of life for individuals with disabilities has been transformative.” Limitless Magazine (US)
To find out more about Andrew, please visit: www.keepingguitar.co.uk